Sunday, November 21, 2010

Final Weekend with the Azeroth Wowgold-use

This weekend may be our last weekend with the Azeroth have known and loved since 2004. Once the 4.0.3a patch hits, everything is changing. This week, besides asking our staff what they are playing and / or doing this weekend, we asked how they feel about never seeing again old Azeroth. Are they happy to see him go? Sad? What  about you readers?

Alex Ziebart (@ alexziebart): The recent signs of BioWare about the new title is announced in early December game Mass Effect 2 me again. Every time I think I played that game enough, pull me back in. I have played through that game from start to finish, more DLC a good 10 times. No exaggeration. The possibility that it could announce a new title $20 Mass Effect next month has me geeking out as anyone. Besides that, I have in my hands from my grandparents old cookbooks written by hand. I'm trying to figure out if there is something interesting I can do with them online. Post a bunch of recipes from the 50's in my own blog, perhaps? Do people really want to see that? As to wow gold the question of the premium, I'm not sad to see Old Azeroth go now, but I'm sure it will in a few months. I have a lot of good memories in the old areas chubby.

Anne Stickney (@ Shadesogrey): I am ... not really sure what the hell I'm doing this weekend. Write, of course. As for the bonus question: I'm excited about the changes, I really am, but part of me that is full of nostalgia and a little sad that all these places I've been and things I've done in the game are disappearing. It's a very strange feeling.

Chase Christian (madsushi @): Finally installed StarCraft 2, so I will have to learn all that has changed since I played in beta. Also I will be leveling my Alliance $20 alt in the guild insiders, the wife and I hope to get through all areas of focus before the cataclysm Alliance released.

Daniel Whitcomb (danielwhitcomb @): I'll be doing some last minute preparation cataclysm. Perhaps that is prepared to roll gnome priests. I have also received back in StarCraft 2, so probably going to be playing a bit of that. I need to work on my game early, especially. Surviving the race and all that. I am very anxious for the new world. I am sad that the Horde get to take over a lot, and I did not quite manage to finish a couple of achievements I wanted, but it's all good. Let's do this, Deathwing.

Dawn Moore (@ dawnwow)I do not expect to get much done this weekend, since Sunday I'm going out for the day, but I have to write something I want to do and get the evidence a few things from the beta, play more SC2, and catch up GSL Season 2 and day9 $20 daily. If I have luck, I can get some We Love Katamari for relaxation. With regard to 4.0.3a, I'm curious how certain areas will be responsible for the content breaks but pre-Cataclysm. Azshara comes to mind. I do not think I'll miss too ... but I took lots of pictures.

Elizabeth Wachowski (@ leeatwaterlives): I'll probably be playing a little more than Fable III. With regard to 4.0.3a, I have spent ample time in the old world. Enter the new!

Fox Van Allen (@ foxvanallen): Heading to New Jersey for the week of Thanksgiving, so it is the beginning to the weekend. Once there, immediately leave the state to visit my friend (and former guildies) of Chester, in Philadelphia for Thanksgiving before Thanksgiving. Any game that is made will be in line of my mother 28.8K service ... so ... I could play some Legend of Red Dragon, or any BBS games 15 years of age, the connection can handle United Stated.

Gregg Reece (@ undeadfish): I'll be playing Goldeneye on the Wii. I played a lot of original Goldeneye so long ago. My biggest complaint about this new version is the lack of multiplayer Temple level. I loved that place. As to the question of the premium, I'm predicting as 30 days in November patch. I'm looking forward to the new race-class combinations. I have reserved names for my druid and shaman troll dwarf.

Joe Perez (@ Lodurzj): Leveling alts that beyond the "new leveling experience" that will bring 4.0. 3a and save the lowbies until after the shattering. Rebuild my personal blog with an email blast, the history of several thousand Lodur to spread the word today. Bonus Question: While I'm ready for the change of the old world, there are certainly things I miss, ZG is not the only member of that list. I guess nostalgia is like the player, as World of Warcraft is the game that has invested the most time, most of which were in the old world. All I'm super excited about, however, are the career changes that will (supposedly) opening when shattering occurs. Lodur must be a dwarf and I'm kind of tired of waggle.

Kelly Aarons (@ Cadistra): Actually I'm catching up on some reading, namely, Arthas (yes, I know), and my copy of the rupture is on the road as we speak United Stated. I also arbitrarily decided wow gold that the title of Ambassador Cadistra, so I'm working on that too. As for the bonus question: I'm on the fence. Yes, I'm excited for change. But WoW was my first MMO, and there is much I'm connected too. It is not everything "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot, but I still have the old world.

Lisa POISS (@ EMUs): You will be online this weekend with friends and family. I can find some time to play in the new kingdom / clan I'll be in the tasting, but it seems to reconcile the different versions of WoW (which is on the game servers, which is in beta, changes are imminent changes that come with the expansion) to be very unpleasant for my character. sign of the times and the dangers of trafficking and all that, I guess United Stated.

Mathew McCurley (@ gomatgo)Breaking more than pre-running, trying to get everything ready before the world explodes. Much of the writing and planning and probably beta-dungeoning for screenshots with my computer WoW Insider Elite 5-player dungeons. WoW is the first MMO for me it really feels like you are changing dramatically from the beginning. UO opened a whole new world that was just a mirror image of the old world with a new set of rules, but the old world was still intact. Cataclysm makes me sad and happy at the same time.

Robin Torres (@ cosmiclaurel): If I am able to get any play at all done this weekend, is Civ 5 - something tons of fun, but in turn, so I can multitask. I really enjoyed the old world, but I will not lose much. I love the changes in the landscape, stories, and gameplay and I can not wait to break so that I can begin my new adventure in Azeroth.

Sarah Nichol (mentalshaman @): I'll be playing "package home" this weekend as we prepare to spend the Christmas period. With regard to 4.0.3a, I'll be sad to see that the old world to go, but I ready for this next chapter of history!

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